


Information on this website is our opinion only. This site was created to help others considering this wonderful lifestyle, and for our own use.

Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

Plans are Flexible


Just a quick update...

After we arrived at the Joint Base Charleston RV Park, SC, we visited downtown Charleston for a quick visit. We just walked around a historic area of Georgian row houses, avoiding people. Many of the row houses from the mid-1600's have been renovated. It was an interesting walk. But it was the next day that news on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the USA quickly got more serious. A couple days after our arrival, the campground closed to accepting new campers. Luckily, current campers are being allowed to stay. We decided to follow the guidelines on no unnecessary travel and are staying put. Currently, we can stay  here until May17th, but that can change (as all plans can). We're safe and secure on an USAF base, have full hook-ups, and the base commissary is open. We're staying home and catching up on computer work and a other chores to keep us occupied.

We're going to play it by ear for the upcoming months. We'll probably end up cancelling many of our campground reservations. I'm pretty sure going into Canada to visit the northeast provinces is now out. If the COVID-19 situation gets better within the next few months, we may still try to get to Washington DC, New York, and other states in the northeast. But for now, there's no traveling for us in the near future.

Location (Map)

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Living an "Isolated" Life
Finally - Traveling North

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Comments 15

Guest - Rocky Farquhar on Monday, 23 March 2020 11:49

Well, at least your in a comfortable place. Lake Moultrie is close by, go do some fishing. Whatever you do, wash your hands!

Well, at least your in a comfortable place. Lake Moultrie is close by, go do some fishing. Whatever you do, wash your hands! :D
Connie Farquhar on Monday, 23 March 2020 12:20

Thanks Rocky, I hope you all are doing well and that you have enough to keep you busy and out of trouble.

Thanks Rocky, I hope you all are doing well and that you have enough to keep you busy and out of trouble. :p
Guest - Brett Hackman on Monday, 23 March 2020 15:03

Hunker down for now! Wish the wife and I were there as well!

Hunker down for now! Wish the wife and I were there as well!
Connie Farquhar on Monday, 23 March 2020 16:02

Thanks Brett!

Thanks Brett!
Guest - tommyO' on Monday, 23 March 2020 17:09

Did they resolve the water issue in the rear sites yet??? Love Charleston and the JFBC...
but those sites in the back of the blacktop; when it rains you need a dinghy no drainage in that part of low country.

Did they resolve the water issue in the rear sites yet??? Love Charleston and the JFBC... but those sites in the back of the blacktop; when it rains you need a dinghy no drainage in that part of low country.
Larry Farquhar on Monday, 23 March 2020 17:57

Don't know. There's been rain, but not real heavy and haven't noticed any flooding.

Don't know. There's been rain, but not real heavy and haven't noticed any flooding.
Connie Farquhar on Wednesday, 08 April 2020 21:23

Hmm, I'm not sure. We've had some good rain and nothing has been too flooded. I think we're in the area you're referring to.

Hmm, I'm not sure. We've had some good rain and nothing has been too flooded. I think we're in the area you're referring to.
Guest - tommyO' on Monday, 23 March 2020 17:41

our next stop heading north after JFB Charleston is always Kings Bay GA ( Eagle Hammock RV Park) small but excellent and all the base amenities a short drive

our next stop heading north after JFB Charleston is always Kings Bay GA ( Eagle Hammock RV Park) small but excellent and all the base amenities a short drive
Larry Farquhar on Monday, 23 March 2020 18:00

Wrong direction. Kings Bay, GA is SOUTH of Charleston.

We've stayed there years ago. It is a nice RV Park.

Wrong direction. :o Kings Bay, GA is SOUTH of Charleston. :D We've stayed there years ago. It is a nice RV Park.
Guest - Roxanne LeBlanc on Monday, 23 March 2020 22:43

Larry & Connie, there are soooooo many things to do around Charleston. It is a shame you are there now during this time in our country. If you ever get the chance in the future, go out to St. John's Island to the Angel Oak. Unbelievable! Also The Charleston Tea Plantation. Interesting! Y'all stay healthy!!!

Larry & Connie, there are soooooo many things to do around Charleston. It is a shame you are there now during this time in our country. If you ever get the chance in the future, go out to St. John's Island to the Angel Oak. Unbelievable! Also The Charleston Tea Plantation. Interesting! Y'all stay healthy!!!
Connie Farquhar on Wednesday, 08 April 2020 21:36
Thanks Roxanne!

The reason we're here in Charleston now is because we weren't able to explore last time we were here in 2013. Perhaps we'll be able to stay and explore when things start opening back up. I would love to go to the Tea Plantation. Stay well!

The reason we're here in Charleston now is because we weren't able to explore last time we were here in 2013. Perhaps we'll be able to stay and explore when things start opening back up. I would love to go to the Tea Plantation. Stay well!
Guest - Dave on Tuesday, 24 March 2020 09:03

I recently found this site an enjoyed all the information. My wife an I r new we started in 2014 not full time yet we r at sea mist dam neck VA beach area right now. Going to Onslow Beach NC next week if they r still honoring r reservations then head to Phoenix. The site is great

I recently found this site an enjoyed all the information. My wife an I r new we started in 2014 not full time yet we r at sea mist dam neck VA beach area right now. Going to Onslow Beach NC next week if they r still honoring r reservations then head to Phoenix. The site is great
Connie Farquhar on Wednesday, 08 April 2020 21:31
Thanks Dave!

You might want to give Onslow Beach a call before you go, to confirm your reservation. We plan on wintering in Mesa this year. Stay well!

You might want to give Onslow Beach a call before you go, to confirm your reservation. We plan on wintering in Mesa this year. Stay well!
Guest - Craig on Tuesday, 24 March 2020 15:44

Thanks for all you are doing to help the military RV community.

Thanks for all you are doing to help the military RV community.
Connie Farquhar on Wednesday, 08 April 2020 21:32

Thanks so much! Stay well.

Thanks so much! Stay well.
Wednesday, 12 March 2025