


Information on this website is our opinion only. This site was created to help others considering this wonderful lifestyle, and for our own use.

Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

"Epic" New Zealand Adventure 2022

Majestic Princess

It has been a little over a year since our last adventure to Europe. As soon as we got home we started planning for this year's adventure and boy is it a doozy and we won't be alone! Our partners in this adventure are going to be our good friends Bob & Joyce Childre (aka Riff & Raff), who are driving their motorhome from their home in FL and will join us in AZ in about 2 weeks. From here w...

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  1214 Hits

Beer, Chocolate, and Waffles, Oh My!

Belgium Beer Sampler 🍺

 September 5th & 6th, 2021 Thanks to everyone who answered our shout out on Facebook on where to go before we have to be in Paris. Bruges (Brugge) Belgium is the destination most of you said we shouldn't miss. I have to say, I think this was my favorite city on this trip, or reading the title of this blog, is it the foodie in me that says it's my favorite? We found a nice camping spo...

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  2286 Hits

Connie's Corner

Motorcycle Dog

Cooking with Connie  I'll start off my post by wishing our eldest granddaughter Kaylee, a very Happy 14th Birthday -  We love you!  This was as far as I got the day I started this post two days ago, but it's an important message and I wanted to share it instead of starting over. Last month I asked if you had any good recipes to share with me. Roxanne LeBlanc shared her Cajun Meatloa...

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  2475 Hits

Cuisine française tout en s'isolant

Connie's Busy Cooking Again!

For those who don't speak French (neither do we), this is titled "French Cooking While Isolating".   Cooking With Connie My thought was to challenge my cooking abilities every Sunday with a yummy dinner. I managed a few weeks worth since I last posted. I still haven't made the bagels yet. We're still working on eating the other bread goodies I made. I had some leftover puff pastry from Easter...

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  3715 Hits

What Else Is There To Do?

We Had A Tornado Storm Yesterday!

Cooking With Connie  Larry and I follow many blogs. We enjoy reading of other peoples adventures and their beautiful photos they share, and we dream that one day we would like to go there as well. But there hasn't been any traveling as of late. No tales from the road, no gorgeous pictures of castles in the sand. These bloggers love to share their experiences, but if they are stuck at home or ...

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  3319 Hits