


Information on this website is our opinion only. This site was created to help others considering this wonderful lifestyle, and for our own use.

Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

July 2008 Travel Log

07/31/08: Kinnikinnick Campground, Huntington Lake, CA: This coming November will be our 30th wedding anniversary. We've decided to treat ourselves and splurge. We've made plans to spend a couple weeks in Jamaica. We've never been there and we got a good deal on an all inclusive package. Since we work all summer, winter is our time to have fun. Okay, between the motor home renovation and this trip - we didn't put as much back into savings as we hoped. There's always next year.

07/22/08: Kinnikinnick Campground, Huntington Lake, CA: Although business in our 15 Forest Service campgrounds started slow in June, they've made up for it after the Independence Day holiday. Most of the campgrounds are near capacity 3-4 days of the week. We're already starting to look forward to the end of Labor Day weekend, as business usually dies down to a slow crawl. Don't get me wrong, we're having fun. We've also made some new friends in the campground and haven't had many problem campers. Time still seems to be flying by. It'll be time to start closing the campgrounds before we know it! We'll probably request to return here again next summer.

We've also taken the next step in our living room renovation and have ordered a pair of new captain chairs. While we could have had our existing chairs reupholstered, we splurged and purchased a nice set in ultra-leather. OUCH! The drivers and passenger chairs, in ultra-leather, with a few optional remote cables (for swivel, etc) and shipping came to a whopping $2400!! But we had planned/expected this. Even then, we were quoted an incorrect price ($1800), so they gave us a $145 discount due to their mistake. Full price should have been $2545.

07/14/08: Kinnikinnick Campground, Huntington Lake, CA: Hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe Independence day! That weekend was finally the start of us being busy in the campgrounds. Until then, we've had a slow start. But the holiday weekend was almost 100% packed. We were turning some campers away. The weekend was safe, but not without a few trouble-making campers. Luckily, it wasn't anything serious. Come Monday morning, the campgrounds emptied out. But that was only for a couple days, as they started pouring back in on Wednesday. We had another full weekend. However, this time, the campers were better behaved. We were surprised to hear how quiet it was this past weekend at 10:00pm. Normally, the parties are just getting started. This weekend, everyone was in bed, or talking quietly around their campfire. We think the difference is in the type of campers this past weekend. These were mainly sailors, as there was a large sailboat regatta for the weekend. There's more regatta's coming up. These are respectful campers!

We've finally taken the drastic step of remodeling the living room of the motor home. In past logs, I've mentioned how we've been planning this for a few years. We started last winter when we trashed the RV sofa and installed a home style dual reclining love seat. Now that we're staying still for awhile, we started the remaining renovation. I've started a technical article that will talk about the renovation in more details, and include  photos. In short, during these past few weeks we tore out the living room carpet, removed the 3 captain chairs, installed laminate wood flooring, and installed a new television table with a 32" LCD TV. We're ready to order new captain chairs for the driver and passenger seats. We won't be replacing the recliner, as that's where the new TV is located. The old overhead television will eventually be removed and that space converted into storage. The big question is where to create a computer work area? We have ideas, but that will need to wait until we have the new captain chairs installed to see if the idea will work or not. In the meantime, our dining table doubles as a computer desk.

Work has been good. Time sure seems to be flying by! Connie and I host a weekly "social hour" at our camp site every Sunday.CLM Independence Day BBQ If you're in the Huntington lake area, stop on by! The company also hosted an Independence Day BBQ at the local group campground for employees. Connie and CLM Independence Day BBQI did most of the planning, with the company paying for the food. It was a good relaxing time for all of the employees. Everyone seems to be getting along fine and doing their share of the work. Besides one serious employee problem, all is well now. I enjoy having a huge staff, as more minor tasks are getting accomplished. Of course there's some things I wish would improve, but that would be the case in any job. Connie and I keep discussing if we should return here again next year. There's many pluses to returning, but we'd also like to experience and see other parts of our country. Hmmmm... decisions, decisions.

June's monthly expenses have been posted. They're not as low as we'd like. We had the Jeep worked on, fixing the broken shock mount from January. The Jeep also had to have some differental seals replaced. Starting the motor home living area renovation also added to the bills. In addition, we renewed our Escapee RV Club membership for 3 years, and our quarterly Internet bill was due. This all adds up. Next month's expenses won't be any good either, as we've purchased the new TV and other items for the renovation. We'll probably have the HUGE bill added for the new captain chairs as well. But that's okay! That's why we're working for the summer - to help pay for this renovation.

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August 2008 Travel Log
June 2008 Travel Log


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