


Information on this website is our opinion only. This site was created to help others considering this wonderful lifestyle, and for our own use.

Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

November 2006 Travel Log

Arizona-Sunset Arizona

11/22/06: Apache Junction, AZ: Happy Thanksgiving! We had our holiday dinner yesterday, as it was the best time to get everyone together. Of course, it was another fantastic, traditional turkey dinner. While Connie worked her heart out all day, I think she enjoyed having a full-sized kitchen to work in. At least it made cooking two turkeys easier. We've also recently had friends come into town for a few days and they had the site next to us. We enjoyed our time with fellow Boomers, Bill Joyce and Diane Melde. We ate out a few times, had a dinner and movie night, and enjoyed our evening social patio talks. We keep crossing paths, so it won't be the last time we meet up. We also had lunch with Larry's old boss, Gene and Patti Tolle. A very nice couple who we keep in touch with. Otherwise, our days aren't too adventurous right now.

11/16/06: Apache Junction, AZ: A web site visitor recently signed our guest book and left their personal web site address. I enjoy reading about other's adventures, and getting ideas. I spent over 8 HOURS yesterday reading about this couples adventures over the past couple of years. They roamed Europe for 2 years in a small VW camper, visiting over 25 countries. Reading their stories brought back many fond memories of our time living in Germany for 3 years. It's placed a bug back into me to make it a goal to travel Europe again. It's always been a goal of ours, but this just re-affirmed our desire. It might be years away still, but someday we'll take a couple years to travel Europe, much as Joel and Louise Goodman did in 2004 and 2005. Take a look at the Goodman's Journey.

We also started thinking of future travel plans. Currently, we've sent out a few applications for next summer season's workamping. We're shooting for the Pacific Northwest. Possibly northern California, Oregon, or Washington state. But we also started thinking longer term. We're beginning to consider heading into Mexico the beginning 2008. We don't mean just the border. At least as far as Mexico City. Something else to research over the next year.

11/06/06: Apache Junction, AZ: Our days are spent doing very little. Connie cleans, Larry works on the computer. We see our daughters and granddaughter every few nights, usually having dinner with them. Leslie and Andy have moved into a beautiful new home, while Cynthia is excited because she qualified to buy a new house. Earnest money is paid, so now it's time to wait for the construction to be completed. Wedding plans are slowly being completed, as there's not much left to do (we hope). Larry's dad came down for the weekend and it was good seeing him again.

11/02/06: Apache Junction, AZ: Well, we're back out of "sight-seeing" mode already. We'll be here for about 6 weeks. Connie's helping finalize wedding plans for Cynthia. She's marrying Nicholas Rodgers, whom she's known for over 6 years. The wedding is December 10th. We'll probably leave a few days after the wedding for the serenity of the nearby desert and make a day (or 2) trip back for Christmas. Our October budget for "Camp Fees" was extremely high, since we've prepaid for our RV park until mid December. It actually comes out to about $14 per day for this RV park. We're also getting a big dose of a grand baby fix while here. Kaylee sure has grown in just 5 months!

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December 2006 Travel Log
October 2006 Travel Log


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